

With you ❤️
With you
When I met you for the first time, I never guessed that one day you would be so essential to me.
didn’t even notice you.
When I first talked to you,
I didn't know ’t what was happening. But I
love talking to you, it's the best moment of my life.
I feel love in your deep eyes,
your melodious voice, and every articulation on your face. I love the way
you care for me,
the way you make me your priority and the way you ignore others for me.
I feel
very fascinated to talk to you every day.
I can feel your lack when you are not with me,
no matter what various people are around me.
Why doesn’t time stop when we are together?
It feels like I’m in a dream when I’m with you. When I hold your hand it feels like I want nothing in my
life except you.
And when you flee my hand and go heretofore, it feels like my Beautiful vision ends!
I want this beautiful dream forever.
© Riya.P