

Flames Ablaze
In the quiet hush of endless night,
Where stars whisper tales of pure delight,
We wait, hearts brimming with hope and yearning,
Anticipating love's sweet, eternal churning.

Years may pass, like grains of sand,
Yet in our souls, love takes its stand,
Time's relentless march, a mere illusion,
In the vast universe, love's sweet infusion.

Hand in hand, we walk this cosmic trail,
Becoming more, beyond the mortal veil,
Twin flames ablaze, in passion's dance,
Swaying to the universe's rhythmic trance.

Each moment a brushstroke on love's canvas wide,
In the tapestry of fate, our destinies collide,
Fearless we soar, on wings of devotion,
In love's boundless, endless ocean.

With every beat, our hearts resound,
In love's symphony, we are forever bound,
Patiently waiting, we find our way,
Twin flames reunited, come what may.

In love's grand theater, we take our part,
A masterpiece painted with love's own art,
Through infinite time, our love will steer,
Guiding us, twin flames, with nothing to fear.
© RoslynsMusings