

Longing for Peace
I envy happy children the most.
To live with naught a care in the world,
To cherish peace and dwell in it,
To peacefully savour the peace.

Adults do have peace,
I agree.
The one that comes and goes
momentary as the blink of an eye.

Only, a drop of water,
to quench the thirst,
in this scorching heat you call, life.

It is not peace
if you only find it
when you run.

Not hiding from tour monsters,
But battling them
and smiling even when you are losing.

Peace ultimately is acceptance.
Of who you are,
And what you can.

Oh! How I long for this peace,
To simply be me, unapologetic.

I truly hope and pray
there will come a day
When I drown in peace, filled even in the inside,
And not just dip my tongue in this ocean, unattainable,
Always wanting more.
© Enyah