

I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you
At the banks of the River Nile
I'll stand alone and not defile
Even if it may be for a while
Lemme wait, to see you smile

I'll wait for you
Along the road that leads to your heart
And the soul, but you have to play your part
For a covenant involves both the parties
And never can it be forged by artists

I'll wait for you
Just so we learn to be patient
This thing called love is ancient
And it remains the same forever
It doesn't matter who catches the fever

I'll wait for you
At the end of the coast
There, I'll be your host and won't boast
For I know that pride goes before a fall
I'll be humble enough to stay behind the great wall

Before I name you darling...
I don't choose you as one of the herring
You are strong enough to swim against the tide
I love you and I'll be waiting at the seaside
© bmwmaria_

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