

Mind Games
In the labyrinth of my mind
A battle rages, hard to define
Thoughts and emotions, in constant strife
A war of words, a game of life.

The voices whisper, loud and clear
"Doubt and fear, they're always near",
But reason shouts, with equal might
"Stand tall, and shine with all your light".

The maze of thoughts, a winding road
Leads me astray, to places untold
Where shadows lurk, and darkness reigns
And the truth is lost, in endless pain.

But still, I search, for a glimmer of hope
A light to guide, a way to cope
For in the depths, of this mind of mine
Lies a strength, that's yet to be divine.

So I'll play, this game of the mind
With every step, I'll leave the past behind
And though the journey's long and hard to find
I'll rise above, and leave the mind games behind.
© providence