

My pen stutters
The words repetitive
The lines are just echos
Of the torrents of thoughts
That consume me with the incessant noises in my head.

I cannot capture
The right words elude me
It's getting harder
To express, to write
My thoughts are in disarray
And I'm afraid I'll lose my touch.

My fingers are poised in readiness
My ears are waiting, eager

I'm not asking for much
Just enough is good for me
Enough to calm the voices
Enough to still the storm
Enough to express myself before I break apart
Yet the words elude me.

It'll come again I'm certain
All I have to do is wait
Wait a while longer
I'll find my muse.

For there are stories everywhere
Just begging, hoping, waiting to be found
And I'll find them
And I'll write them
Telling them to the world.
For this is my appetition.

© Ese-Ose