

A Daughter, being a Mother...
When she held me in her arms,
I could always drip my tears,
drop by drop, as they fell by,
without consoling words, only her embrace,
she held me within her arms,
just like a newborn, finding in her my solace...

Wherever the world may take me,
When the rough times comes by
I never knew I had a place,
where I can rest my head and have a pause,
Though the situations may not be clear,
But I knew she would hug me without any cause...

For years I have been away,
fear captivating my heart,
Should I really make her see my tears?
For the hardships she had went through, mine would only add more,
But there her voice calling for me,
Made me realise, I can never be a burden for her, as she loved me from her core...

Growing up, becoming a women myself,
Seldom did I see similarities,
generations changed, so the ages did,
Some thoughts became conflicts, driving us apart,
Then many years later when I grew to be a mom,
I did understood, those norms, which slowly showed in my reflection, were always my part...

Now when I'm her age, scolding my daughter,
I did remember our moments passed by,
Some memories which can never be erased,
some still written over my pages, for you my mother,
I wished I could say these words to you sooner,
There's never a daughter who can't love her mother,
For the bond between them stays forever by...


© lost_within