

They Have A Reason
Why do people dobad things? Answer this question by writing a poem.
© Asiamah Frederick

In the depths of human hearts, a struggle rages on,
A battle between light and darkness, right and wrong.
Why do people do bad things, a question we often ask,
Is it nature or nurture, or a complex task?

Some say it's circumstance, a product of their past,
A cycle of hurt and pain, forever meant to last.
Others claim it's choice, a decision to embrace,
The darker side of human nature, a willingness to disgrace.

But what of those who hurt, yet hide behind a mask,
A facade of kindness, a cleverly crafted task?
Do they not know the harm, the pain they bring to others?
Or do they simply not care, their hearts consumed by their brothers?

Perhaps it's a lack of empathy, a failure to understand,
The impact of their actions, the harm they spread across the land.
Or maybe it's a desire for power, a need to control,
A belief that might makes right, a twisted, wicked goal.

Whatever the reason, whatever the rhyme,
Bad actions have consequences, a burden to bear in time.
So let us strive to be better, to choose the path that's right,
To spread love, kindness, and hope, and bring an end to the fight.