

responsible man
Ever making the list ...
Whatever a man did.. Have ever earned it...
You won't be able to make the list...
All you see is home...
But can't be seen...
The heat of the mind of the work boss,
Sweat comes out of tiredness while working,
The blisters of the hand,
Signs of cutting,
Back pain,
Swelling in the feet,
Hair being white..
Never be seen... ,,

Ever look closely, in his small act... You will see someone, who has changed in so many years...
Some teeth must have shaken....
Must have lost some hair...
Some wrinkles must have come in making your house a home,,,,,
Wearing glasses,
Took my skill in hand,
Bow your heads must be collected...
Still doing the same today..
What he has been doing for the last twenty five years,
And he adds some money to bring you something so you ask
Why bring in....? ”...

Ever see some unspoken emotions of her mind,
Suppressed desires,,
Which is not visible..
Because what is not visible, it is even more important to see...

_Sometimes something thinks hard... Dreams are made of.... Preparing while leaving the morning...
Sometimes after drying in some sun...
Soak in some water sometimes...
Sometimes spicy..
So sometimes sweet like jaggery...
Sums up all the flavors ...
In the parathas of potato,
Or in the carrot pudding,
On top in the leaves of coriander,
Or in grinded cardamom donations...
Sums up all the tastes in the small plate of your earnings...
Don't know from where does a man bring the courage to kill his heart... Don't know how much happens ... Even then whenever the pocket picks, it remains swearing....

When you take two biscuits or churmura in your hand, ever think in the absence of the man of the house... Then his circumstances will force you to think... *because he hasn't just earned money in years...
Made you too... You have been brought to a destination....
By erasing myself...
And remember na...
It takes births to build a strong relationship.. Ends at once
... Made the whole house for you...
Working hard day and night...
Even though he has no right on that house....

Ever make list and what that man has made... Trying won't be able to make the list..
Will never be able to become

Dedicated to all cultured and responsible men ✍️