

acting. I'm affected by it. control your acting
taking action means get the whole story.
getting the whole. story means patience understanding and painful unbiasism.ish. taking action means all voices were heard. All shoes were tried on
sought out the lost
it's undoing gray.
making gray black and white again.
and letting it yang.
taking action isn't for heat of the moment, last minute decisions and unmastered emotions. it is disciplined, honest. and it tells funny jokes. it isnt exactly self seeking . but it can be.
the difference between that and love...is it has to hold records of wrongs. folded up and scribbled down on little pieces of paper and shove into pockets. maybe even washed in the laundry.
taking action is a stand up seat at the table for kings and queens.
the bible tells me so.
so in taking action.
have your yeses yes and your nos ..KNOWS.

do it on purpose.
or wait.
or just call me.
I'm like a therapist or something.

and don't play self preservation tactic with me. be raw and dirty. and thorough.

I'm only as good as the information you hand me.
so try doing it right the first time.
you may like it.

© chorus chrubble