

I weep for You... ooh! YOU Spherical Carpet..!

Rising oceans,
A warming globe,
Savage storms,
A warning foretold...
But Heedless, went the human folks...

Until the "force" in place will act...

until the white sky turn gloomy..

until out Earth is whisked from the human folks..

until the clear, earthly scented Water From The Rivers turns dark,.. then purple...

I weep for your Conditions, mother Earth..

I weep, not I alone ....

the grasshoppers, the crickets, the beautifully colored bugs..

all weep...

stay calm..

stay accommodating..

Until Reprieve Comes from the " Unconquered Conqueror"...

aye..! aye..! aye..!

that day hanckers close...

I bow. ......🙏
© The Panther 🐅