

Prisoner of Love
I kindled the fire of a feeling
Full of life, like a little heartbeat
With care and patience did I nurture it
Tenderly, slowly, gently and watching

Till it grew ripe and bigger
Larger than a heart could contain
Though I feared, it has grown enough to be shared
Cumbersome for the sternum, about to explode

Then pierced my heart with a sharp thrust
From which I kindled the lamp of love and lifted
It to your face, defogging and the path we take
Turning back, to another path, you make
Leaving me standing stranded at the junction of depression

My tears slowly, dousing the flame of a feeling
Once kindled with undiluted love and more
Of neither making me the king of heart
Nor emancipate me to wander the desert of emotion
Leaving me, caged and suspended
Making me a prisoner of Love
#love #unrequited #hearbreak #feelings