

What if I cry??

My life could be so easy going,if it is control by me and my emotions only.But I am not so lucky in this matter, because society has created some big hurdles of stereotypes and prejudices.
Acc to them, before a human ,I am a man,who has alot of duties and responsibilities of him as well as of others,as I have to earn money and feed others,So this makes me superior than woman.I am a man who can only express two feelings, one my superiority and other anger.Rest of the emotions are not for me,but has copyrighted to women.If I will express my kindness or show politeness then I haven't had that macho thing in me. If I am upset or coping up with depression then I am only allowed to show anger so that it can hide my weaknesses.Since childhood,I was not allowed to wear the clothes of Colour which I like, because blue is only meant for boys.I was not able to buy the toy which I like, because what other will say, If they will see. Isn't very ridiculous that If I am feeling pain,I am not allowed to express my pain.I am not allowed to shed some tears to cope up with my stress.What if I really do this??Ya,it will show my weakness,they will mock about me,that I am not so strong,I am such a girl type.What it means,we all should have right to express our feelings,to cry is not copyrighted to girl only.This norms are just killing me deeply inside,I really wanna cry, express my feelings.
Moreover,No matter,how much I respect women,no matter how much work I done,no matter how much love I gave to other,no matter how much I have self control,My maleness is only compares with my fertility. Isn't it kind of abuse for a man.I really don't understand what the society wants from us, isn't it a way to increase the rate of crime like rape, because I think It will be best way to show maleness acc to norms of society,why not, by this sinful work,they are showing their anger,their so called maleness,So why they blame man then??
There are millions of such boundation for men also.
#tears # men #prejudice #stereotype #society #boys