

Vicious Cycle
I never though much of it when I first saw you.
You were just another who would come into my life, then go.

I never thought much of it when you first talked to me.
You were just another person getting to know my name.

I didn't think much of it when we bumped to each other a lot that week,
At least not until I started to like it.

Then just like the first time we met, I saw you.
But this time my gaze lingered for a second longer.
little did I know that that second was a mistake.

I started to notice your smile that brightened the room.
Your hair just beautifully dancing with the wind.
Your laugh that shows me you're unapologetically you.
I heard your voice that resonated around the place
while you spoke the words gave me a red face.
You gave me butterflies and fantasies

But I had to wake up to reality.
You were just another who would come into my life, then go.

But when I see you I fall right back down that hole.
I know I am nothing to you
But I wish I am everything with you.
I am in a vicious cycle and at its center is you.
you got me spinning around in circles
Climbing up, then falling back down
You make me happy, but it hurts me.
You got me dizzy, going crazy.
I have to get out of this vicious cycle
but what do I do?
I'm trapped.

© Grace Powetry