


The only words I found hard to believe…
The only words I took for granted, or should I say they took me for granted??
Whichever way…
It was just four letters…

It took me pain, anger, and hurt,
To believe,
To let loose,
To breathe in happiness,
To take a risk

They say it takes two to tango…
They say it takes two to love...
They say it takes two to form a bond…
They say it takes two to last a life time…

It took his heart and soul,
For me to believe again…
It took his time and efforts,
For me to trust again…
It took his humour and personality,
For me to smile again...
It took his love and care,
For him to keep me forever…

I am hooked in his love…
I have bonded with his inner peace…
I have committed to him…
I fell in love with him…

But what will it take in order for him to keep me forever??


Written by: Thandy.M. Productions

© Thandy.M