

Out the Comfort Zone
I want to run away with you
Hand in hand under the rain
Wearing my favorite dress
and my red stilettos
You in your well plaid tux
and shiny black shoes
My make up will wash away
All running down my cheeks
But you'll smile at me
And I'd never care
if thy color leave my lips.

Raindrops in my lashes
Wind against my hair
Goosebumps along my skin
Erratic beating no one can hear
My laughter will be loud
Echoing deep through my soul
My smiles will just be as sound
They can all hate me
But my love shall be seen around
This queen of yours
Your queen who is crowned.

This is me when I'm with you
The 'me' out of the shell—
I hope it's the real you too
when you're with me,
Dance with me
under the rain
And let's be crazy together
until the end.

© astaire_grey
#Love&love #writco #writcopoem