

The rose from my father's garden
l still remember the day we planted the tiny seed
we buried it in the soil with hopes that it would grow quickly
but it took all the time it needed in the world
slowly it can out of the sufarce
and that was a sign of hope

It was small but lovely
we watered it with love day and night
and it grew into a beautiful flower
it had thorns , but still nothing in this world
could take its beauty away

The storm came
and we knew we had to stay in the pouring rain
the thunder roared, we closed its ears
so that it could not listen to the noise of the storm
lightning striked , we closed its eyes
so that it could not lose its sight
the wind came, it was shaken
but it did not fall
the drought came and it wilted
but we knew we had to revive it with our tears

They say that the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all
and so , was our love
© heavenlysword