

That's Who I Love
‘She cries like a little girl who hurt herself playing. She gets sad like hell and emits gloom at times, in bursting magnitudes. She is crazy and likes to get herself into all sorts of trouble, consciously or otherwise. She gets mad like you can't imagine and maintains that disgruntled face for days on end.
And yet.... she can laugh like an infant does at the most trivial of things, and I mean laugh with insanity! Her smile can light up a whole city at 3 in the morning. She can feel and experience unusually, the inherent beauty in nature's finest creations — the rain, wind, moon and stars. She can love like no-one can, with all her heart, mind, body and spirit. And her soothing voice can pacify this agitated soul, like not even God can.
That's her.... that's who I love!'

© Armaan H. Arora