

Soul Collision
Beneath the moon's soft glow they danced,
Two souls entwined, fate's game enhanced.
Destined to meet, a cosmic decree,
Yet time conspired to keep them free.

In the darkest depths, they sought in vain,
The meeting place, a love's refrain.
Each missed encounter, a fleeting chance,
Yet destiny weaves a patient dance.

Moonlit nights and whispered sighs,
They wandered through life's vast skies.
Yet, in the cosmic script, a plot unfold,
A tale of love, a story to be told.

Until one day, the stars aligned,
No more elusive moments to find.
Colliding souls, time ceased its flow,
As destiny smiled, a union to show.

No longer bound by missed embraces,
They found each other in love's graces.
Under the moon's watchful sight,
Two souls collided, destiny's delight.