

I dive into beautifully woven words

Of poets near and far

The finesse they master

That high gloss shine of perfection

A symphony of phrases

Creates a sweet melody

The tune reaches a crescendo

Causing the heart to flutter

Admiration seeps deep into my heart

Inspiration swells

Fine artists

Master creators

Sculptors of words

Painters of feelings

Healing expressions interlaced

A fragrant garden so lovingly penned

A deep longing to harness words

So eloquently

Seeking solitude

I wield my pen

Allowing my heart and soul

To flood onto worn pages

I hope to see my honest reflection

An expression of all I am

All I see

The marred perfection

Innovative imagined tales swirling

As soothing as the trickling waters

of the mountain streams

on a blistering sunny day

Yearning for words that emanate a battle song

A serene melody

Bubbling joy

And ample life

A picture of adventure

A forged journey

Among adversity

Abundantly triumphant

A fascinating composition

The living design in each of us

A phenomena

© TrishHare