

7 years
If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you.
About bringing you back, the things I'd do
You should of never left in the first place
If I had just been there, that would of been the case
Or we would of been together in life and death
Together, we would of taken our last breaths
I just know you wouldn't have been sitting on the curb alone
I just wish somehow I could of known
It's been 7 years and I still relive that night
Especially our fight
Why couldn't you have just been alright
Instead, year after year these poems I write
It also took me 7 years to go see your grave
Without my daughter with me I dont think I would of been so brave.
Although, I am there every year via video chat
It's just not the same, in the grass, at your feet, we sat.
It was nice to see the grass was actually alive
Normally, around you, its needing to be revived
You also have a really nice view
I just wish we could stand there and enjoy it with you
© deepinthought