

Classy SLAVE
Lost my freedom to favors owed,
A million sins on my shoulders
How do i atone?

Call yourself what you like, Maybe someday you will become it:
A generous lie rolls off a selfish tongue.

If your words resonants with the other's thoughts,
Can you do any wrong?

But get bold and speak freely
Reality hurries you awake like a stun.

Nothing is free; Not in freetown; And definitely not in a slavers town.

Anyone can claim to be benevolent,
But what is the benefit of a slaver's generosity to a slave?
A generous debt to buy your loyalty so you don't vent.

Clothed in flip-flops or the finest leather shoe,
A foot up your Arse is still a foot:
Don't be fooled.

Take this advice from a Fool
Don't be a pig dressed up in robes thinking himself a prince:
A snorting prince in a muddy palace, drinking dirty water from a ballroom glass.

Nevertheless we can't say the pig is wrong for thinking himself a person of class.
But, alas, the only semblance a pig can have to a crowned person is his fine robes and a shiny crest.

There is no honor or integrity for a pig;
He is a dirty animal condemned to a dirtier existence.
Take away his fancy crown and his lacey robes, and all you'll see is a pig.

Don't get me wrong, a pig can rule. But, not in a people's palace.
If ever a pig gets dressed up to feign the role or a prince, the power is not his. Rather, the power belongs to the person who saw it fit to dress up a pig in prestigious robes.

So my friend ask yourself, is your freewill free or your decisions based off of the will of another?
Think deeply before you answer, because your next utterance will define your existence:
Are you a MASTER or SLAVE?

© shalex