

i remember the day i saw you for the first time
you glid over the ice as i was watching you
but of course you didn‘t notice me, i mean why would you
i was stumbling over the ice, on the edge of falling
i also remember the first time you said a word to me
i made fun of you for being smaller and younger than me
then we started texting and you promised me things
i was hoping you meant them, but now as i‘m looking back
it was obvious that you didn‘t
the day that is the most remarkable is the 7.1.22
you destroyed all my hopes
buried them forever
pushed me into this hole again
knowing that i was getting better everyday
but now. what am i? who am i? where‘s home?
and the most important question.

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well i do know that this is hit and stuff but i needed a place to vent. it doesn't even rhyme but i don't really care.