

Satyam Param Dhimahi

How do we know which course in life to take?
Which will yield the most fruits?
How to dodge all the pitfalls?
And how to avoid the noose?

How to surround oneself with friends,
To help one move along?
How to keep a clean conscience?
To never purposely do wrong?

To this and many other questions
I feel there are no pat answers
Though Gurus and Teachers can help a lot
We may still get cancer

As much as you try to pursue the right
You still may end up in the wrong
As much as you try to follow the light
And as long as you may long

Something may take your house of cards
And blow it all to pieces
Something may take your tidy structures
And get you out of the leases

Without going on too much longer
I'll skip to my conclusion
Try as you may, and go ahead
But the secret is inclusion

Let anything happen as it may
And keep the smile on your heart strong
Nothing can possibly go astray
If you let all be wrong