

A Tree House

Not much friends I have
but of abundance,
no ends I have,
whenever there's a dark night,
climbing my tree house, feel right
under a million star's light
to feel free, and to hide
staring at the sky brings questions,
that i don't want answers of,
winds touching my face,
feeling grateful of universe's grace
some memories we just don't wanna replace
things feel unimportant to people around you
but you feel happy to chase
here lives a squirrel, enjoys food from my hand
this height feels so peaceful, why would I touch the land
I have it all, beinge here makes me remember to become, there's nothing I can't
look for challenges don't look where's ease at
be helpful, don't go to vulnerable people and tease at
whatever makes you happy and don't make sense to other's, it to your life, please add
my tree house is not my escape, but it's where my happiness is, it's where my peace at.

#poem #WritcoQuote #writco #Shayari #Love&love

© Vinamra