

Happy Birthday, Dad
Words of eloquence were never my forte, nor were yours
Yet your actions spoke louder than any grand oration or boisterous roars,
With deeds that resonated deeper than mere verbosity ever could,
You taught me a language, not spoken yet universally understood.

I remember the times in life's crossroads that I faltered,
Like a lost sailor on uncharted seas,
Yet, like the North Star, you illuminated my path,
With the wisdom of a seasoned compass,
You steered me towards the shore, steadfast.

In those moments, my words a drought-stricken river,
Could not flow with the force needed.
Uncertainties loomed and darkness prevailed,
Yet your silent support unveiled,
Making these metaphors I spun seem frail,
Like a thunderous roar, they hush the wails,
Of the feeble verses spilled.

Your words may be few, but their might breaks through,
Deeper than waters that carve canyons to stone.
It was as if you knew, that in those moments,
When words becomes fleeting echoes and doubt tries to plunder,
Actions carried the weight of an anchor,
Steadying the tempest that rages.

In this world where noise often drowns the heart's repose,
You taught me that eloquence isn't just in speech or fluid prose,
But also resides in the warmth of simply being there.
You've taught me that love can transcend the need for vocal affirmations,
As your actions consistently reaffirm the depth of your devotion.

In your seemingly emotionless guise,
I once thought you devoid of all feelings,
Yet behind your stoicism and 'heartlessness' was a guardian in disguise,
A shield to safeguard mine.
Through countless trials and tribulations,
You were the reason I tasted salt on my tongue
Yet sweetness in the lump of my throat.

You were a secretive early bird for those who you love the most,
A promise to be home before sunset, covering in sweat
A lifetime bet to pay off our bills and debts,
Unaware that your dreams were scarcely voiced aloud,
You never rested, tirelessly pursuing mine, without a doubt.

Just know 'you're exactly like your dad,' the finest praise I've ever known,
And how my feet never seemed to grow enough to trace the path you've sown.
Dreaming of the day my tiny steps would match your colossal stride,
In your shoes, I seek to find a perfect bind.
Till then, I'll strive to be the best of me each day,
In hopes that soon, my heart and soul would align with yours in every way,
And when that moment dawns,
I'll know that I've done it right, for I have learned from the very best.

For all the times my words couldn't thrive,
And I wasn't able to convey my feelings,
Do know that the admiration I have for you, no syllabus woven can ever capture,
For I learnt that deeds resound with a mightier voice than mere words can ever muster.