

Dear Black Girl
For so long you have been holding inside
The tears of when your freedom will be announced
Tolerating the veil of inferiority cage your mindset
Holding on to the trails of slavery which drag you into slumber,
This garbage we have been trying to get rid of since day one
You have such a great heap of it in your backyard
Only acid can dissolve this borne disease,
Soaking day and night in all sorts of detergents
Only if you had not tender skin, sand paper would do
Accumulation of chemicals merely sweets on decaying teeth,
Melanin meant to outreach your beauty goals and uniqueness
I ponder why a queen would leave her castle to settle for less
Are you not aware your presence is a threat?
They don’t sleep day and night wishing to be like you
Manipulation is all they have left for they cannot be you
Making your emotions drive through
You are a see through,
They are loafers who cannot afford a loaf
A pointless arrow in the air
A leapfrogged nightmare,
Halt suffering judgment of the perpetrators
Let your bleeding wounds sink into the heartbeat of your skin tone
Only look down to admire your shoes,
Your skin color is merely pigment
Never colors of a dying sun,
Black is beautiful
So let it be.