

Stage called World
I was a judge in this stage that known as world,
Where many mask of pain with depression were worn,
but I can say I'm one of them that hide then twirled.

People ask, why am I hiding my true feelings,
I always say that, "I do this for my darlings"
That even I'm suffering inside, I can cling.

You can see me smile, but inside, I fiddle,
I'm drowned, but no one can knew, cause pains like riddles,
It's hard to breathe, cause water was full of twiddles.

One time, I tried to end all my pains that drowned me,
I was out of mind, cause test comes like appointee;
Test that give me misery, made me detainee.

But I suddenly realize, I need to fight that,
For the reason that trials are God's systemat,
That made me mature person, made me accurate.

I learn a lot in tests that surpass in my life,
So learn from your trials, then do break the strife,
Do clean your pulse, don't waste your life, don't point a knife,
All has ending, so pray then try hard to survive.
© kyubi3