

A 1st year student struggling to adjust 🥺
In the heart of deadlines, where homesickness creeps,
Few holidays whisper, as the student heart weeps.

Class tests, cycle tests, a relentless parade,
Semesters loom large, like a stormy cascade.

Barely a moment, a respite so thin,
In this whirlwind of exams, where to begin?

Projects and assignments, an unending trail,
Time fleeting fast, a relentless gale.

Home seems a dream, a distant reverie,
Caught in this exam storm, a relentless decree.

Clock ticking away, each second a race,
Homesickness lingers, a soft embrace.

Yet in this struggle, a resilience unfolds,
A student's tale, where courage molds.

Balancing dreams with the ticking clock,
In the heart's echo, a silent knock.

Moments for oneself, a rarity so dear,
Yet in this chaos, dreams crystal clear.

Holidays may dwindle, exams may persist,
Yet in the heart's rhythm, a melody exists.c

A student's journey, a blend of strife,
In the dance of exams, carving a life.

Homesickness may tug, holidays may flee,
Yet in this struggle, a resilient glee.

© निखिल