

what happens if Skid and Pump will lose Popularity?
Skid and Pump are very popular characters in Friday Night Funkin' and the Spooky Month web series, and they have a loyal fan base that supports them. However, popularity can be unpredictable and influenced by many factors, such as trends, preferences, competition, and quality. Therefore, it is possible that Skid and Pump could lose popularity in the future, but it is not guaranteed.

If Skid and Pump were to lose popularity, then there could be some consequences for them and the game. For example.

Skid and Pump could feel sad and disappointed that their fans are losing interest in them. They could also feel insecure and jealous of other characters that are more popular than them. They could try to regain their popularity by changing their style, making new songs, or doing something crazy, but they might not succeed or even make things worse.
- Friday Night Funkin' could lose some of its appeal and variety without Skid and Pump. The game could become less fun and memorable without their spooky and hilarious songs and dialogue. The game could also lose some of its collaboration and crossover potential with Sr Pelo, who is the creator of Skid and Pump and the Spooky Month web series. The game could also face more competition from other games that have more popular and diverse characters.
- The fans of Skid and Pump could feel sad and nostalgic that their favorite characters are no longer popular. They could also feel frustrated and angry that other characters are taking their place. They could try to support and promote Skid and Pump by making fan art, fan-made mods, or fan fiction, but they might not be able to change the public opinion or even face backlash from other fans.

Of course, these are just some possible scenarios that could happen if Skid and Pump were to lose popularity. There is no guarantee that they will lose popularity, and there is also no guarantee that they will not regain popularity in the future. Popularity is not a fixed or permanent state, and it can change over time. Skid and Pump have a lot of charm and talent, and they have proven themselves to be successful and beloved characters in Friday Night Funkin' and the Spooky Month web series. Therefore, I think they have a good chance of staying popular and relevant for a long time.