

a treehouse fantasy 🌳
Write a poem on "A tree house"

To build my own tree house so that I could live in it...a dream my whole life...I want it to be a modern day Swiss family Robinson... equipped with plumbing and electricity...to be so high above the ground...no creeping up on me without a sound...to lay around like monkeys fooling around... singing visitors flying in and out filling my ears with there sweet sound...they never see me with their heads pointing to the ground... connecting to nature keeps my energy from being so tightly wound...voices carried in the wind...I recognize most of them...they are my friends... creatures roaming here and there... leaving paw prints everywhere...a magical place putting huge smiles upon my face...a lifetime dream wood become a home... leaving me never having to roam... what a wonderful fantasy and hopefully one day becomes a reality.
© GypsyRose80