

Close your eyes, can you see me?
What's there to hide?
It's a blessing, and, for me,
It's a bright shiny light,
In the form of a memory,
After bein’ beat by the odds,
Standing for the crowd,
Those who've fought & lost,
Left stranded & full of doubt.
My heart pounds, like earth quakes.
What still remains, is left to be given.
That's when I made the decision.
To share with you; all of my mistakes,
Knowing you are wise enough to listen,
So that you won't ever have to relive them.
Here's the deal,
Trust in my words,
Slow down & be still.
Look into my eyes,
Let yourself feel.
Try to realize,
See & be real.
Be the prize,
Not the meal.

© W. Helin