

Beneath the moon's soft, silver glow, Where whispers of the night winds blow, A symphony of waves arise,Their rhythmic dance, a sweet surprise. balm for hearts that pull, Its melody,a timeless song,That carries dreams where rise and gently grow, The ocean's touch,a tender caress, Unraveling thoughts, leaving them less.

In the depths, a tranquil abyss,Where worries fade, and troubles dismiss, A sanctuary for weary souls,Where healing tides forever roll.
The crashing waves, a thunderous roar,Yet in their chaos, peace does pour, For in their might, a strength resides,That washes away all that divides.And as the sun paints golden hues,

The ocean's depths reflect its views, A
kaleidoscope of colors blend,A masterpiece that has no end. The ocean's heart, a vast expanse,Where dreams and hopes find their chance,lt stirs within a sense of awe, A reminder of life's sacred law. So let the ocean's rhythm guide, As we embark on life's wild ride, For in its depths, we find our peace, And from its shores, our worries cease.
© thekennyadetule