

Racing raindrops
Do you remember
When we
Raced raindrops on our windows?
When long car journeys left us
Tired and irritable –
But then came
The rain.

We would point and shout
Excitedly pressing our hands up to the glass
Tracing our fingers along their shimmering trails
So close to the raindrops on the
Other side.

We would claim them as our own
Athletes in a rain race
We would cheer them on
And laugh at the loser
As they hurtled so very delicately
To the finish.

Then when mum and dad
Got tired of our little games
And they would roll down the windows
Let in the rain
Exposed to the storm outside
We shrieked and screamed
And dissolved into laughter.

Memories like that,
Make our current car journeys
Seem just that bit quieter.