

Instant Justice
The show is nearly over
As Houdini kept an eye
On a guest in the audience
Pretending to be shy

The man keeps hiding his eyes
And seems to whisper too
And each and every other guest
Must think his lies are true

One moment they look weary
Distrustful and aware
Then suddenly they change their minds
And their possessions are then shared

Now it's time for the last act
Houdini takes the stage
"And for this last trick, my friends
I'll put a rat in my cage."

He shows the people the empty box
And shows them it's legit
Then he snaps his fingers
This moment all will forget.

As the room hits a pause
He walks through the large group
And confiscates some stolen goods
From this smooth galoot

Then he puts it on the stage
Just within their view
And struggles a man into a box
Time starts and they're unglued

"Not a mouse or bat or animal
I'm afraid this rat will do
As while you watched all this event
He took some stuff from you."

The cops rush through the audience
And as they cuff the fiend they know
"Another crook has met his match
With this new freakshow."
© Geoffrey Shelton