

I do not remember, anything, of what exactly happened, at first, being in such, a fuzzy state and a cloudy haze, as my head, just ached, as all of me, at once to, seemed to cry out, yet, there was no sound, as I felt, as if, every bone, in my body, was shattered, as I, could not move, yet, I could feel, every detail, as I, just sat here, trying to put, all the pieces together, of not only me, but what had happened, as slowly, just bits and pieces, came back, like glimmers, to me, as I, gave a smile, being that I, was out, on the town, with my boyfriend, in celebrating and we, had dinner and did, some dancing, as our lives, were about to begin, as he, had taken me, to the spot, of our, first date and had asked me, to marry him and I, never felt, so happy and complete, in all of, my life, as we, headed home, as I knew this, would be, always and now forever, until death, do us part.

So now, I noticed, brightly flashing lights, in the front, rear view mirror, that seemed, to be chipped, as lights, from a few men, were shinning them, in my eyes, yet, I could not see, from this dark liquid, burning and stinging them, as I, told them, to check on, my fiancee, as I, was not hearing, from him, or could, see him and soon felt, my body, being pulled, as the cold, metal stretcher, creaked and moaned, bobbling by its rollers, on the black top, past me, as I, looked down, to see, my lifeless body, laying on top, as I, was being covered up, by a white sheet, then turning to see, my love, surrounded, by a brilliant light, knowing, that I, would be, with him, always and forevermore.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs