

Brother of Mine
Brother of Mine:

Ostracised and expelled
The black sheep
And out on his own
Kept in the dark
Forging my own
Mycelium network
Is the truth so difficult to take
Who’s to blame
Can you be blameless
What are the rights and wrongs
Have you catastrophised
All that you think
Your thoughts set to overload
Ears soft and over-malleable
Your mind fragile and glass-like
With a heart turned to stone
Lost to latent biasses
Is it ever ok to disconnect
Spoken to the wind
And lost to time
Water under the bridge
Was I born to the wrong family
Forged of a different flame
Made to burn brighter
A parallel universe
In the here and now
Quantumly juxtaposed
Protons and Neutrons
Yet decidedly different
Nurture or nature
Is it part of the game
Look to the mirror
And what do you see
A mirror of you
Or a mirror of me
How to compare
When out of the same womb
And on the other side of peace
Yin-Yang theory
Inseparable contradictions
Do opposites attract
What to say next
If anything at all
Does the silence
Say everything
Or has the cat got your tongue
Ow Brother of mine

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved