

She is so ordinary,
She is too crazy.
Nothing is her special,
She is just a girl.
A girl of long braid,
Flowering like the sun.
So busy her days and night,
Full of escape and run.
She is the deep ocean,
Behind a river flowing.
Shadow of the silents,
And a light glowing.
She is the wind
Blows without fear.
She is the breeze,
Everyone's dear.

She dances like a baby,
Walks like a queen.
She laughs in the crowd
And shivers alone.
She flies like a bird,
Shields with all her feathers.
She smiles like a bud,
All the bliss she gathers.

Her hands are dirty with blood and tears,
Mind so lucid with dreams and share.
Firm are her steps with power and versatility,
Strong are the shoulders with warmth and duty,
Clear is her voice, bold and sugary.
So many tunes in heart, elegy and melody.

The world is her own,
She is the world's rosy cosy home.
The girl of beauty rare,
So hard and tender.
The girl with long hair,
With Hands of love and care...
© ইচ্ছেpa लोक