

No Longer
I no longer fear death
Neither do I fear loss
For not once, not twice have I died -
Life frozen and squeezed out of me into a turnel.
And a couple of times lost
Yes lost, never to gain
In fact, I have lost myself.

I no longer care
Yeah, I ne'er give a damn!
Why should I anymore?
I have long cared, but never cared for
The ones I have dearly fed and zealously defended
Turned against me viciously
To bite and backbite and blackmail:
Mangled, wreaked, Bruised and shamed

I nolonger fear
I have cringed and shuddered,
dreaded and calloused
Crippled and heart-sunk in horror
Eyes bulgent
I've been scared to death by herrondeous blackguards
But recognized: I only but live once
And but only die once
No longer do I live in dread

I am no longer bothered
Whether red or blue; Pale or gray
Deep or shallow
For I have been red: I have been pale
I have paddled the deep: I have waded the shallow
And it's all no big deal
Let it all flow.
It's an unbroken, unbowed resolve.

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