

To my dear friend, a girl so strong,
I want to tell you, you truly belong.
In a world that tries to define your worth,
You're a force to be reckoned with, a force of rebirth.

You radiate beauty, both inside and out,
With a heart so pure, there's no room for doubt.
Your laughter is infectious, your smile so bright,
You bring joy to others, even in the darkest night.

You've faced your battles, fought your own fight,
With resilience and courage, you've taken flight.
Through every obstacle, you've stood tall,
Breaking down barriers, breaking down walls.

You've shown me the power of sisterhood,
Supporting and uplifting, always understood.
In a world that can be cruel and unkind,
You've shown me compassion, a love so blind.

You've taught me the strength in vulnerability,
To embrace my emotions, to set myself free.
You've been a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear,
A friend who's always there, wiping away my tears.

You inspire me to chase my dreams,
To believe in myself, no matter how hard it seems.
You've shown me that success knows no gender,
That we can shatter expectations, and rise together.

So here's to you, my friend so dear,
May your path be filled with love and cheer.
Never forget the power that lies within,
For you are a warrior, a queen, a force to win.
© julliethepoet