

To wear the crown
What does it take to achieve success?

Get up every morning?
Get moving?
Get dressed?

Don't let others, determine your story.
Your in charge of your life.

Your passion.
Your glory.

Every moment is a gift.
Just to be alive.
Try your best to exel.
More than merely survive.

Every challenge life throws at you.
Embrace it with open arms.
The chaos will make you stronger.
More resilient to threat and harm.
Opportunities dangle before us.
Keep pushing to move ahead.
Get up if you trip and stumble.
Keep working for your daily bread.

Now don't make excuses.
Don't you dare quit.
Conduct your business.
Handle your shit.

Some days we're sore and tired.
Don't let that slow you down.
If you want to be the King.
You need to fight to wear the crown.

© whiskeybreath