


Dreams are so conflicting
sometimes appealing, sometimes appalling.
A jovial dream slips into the inky darkness
My body trembled and my mind became restless.

A fantasy turned nightmare , was unforseen
Never imagined Morpheus to be so mean.
Those laughing faces turned blank and quiet
It was a sign of a long forgotten riot.

That nightmare now was a war field
Sword against skin that no Armor could shield ,
flames of death and corpses everywhere,
The only difference was that,
They woke up with snarl that was hard to bear

The war field was now a victim of the apocalypse.
The undead growled under the growing lunar eclipse
The only witness in this domain,
turned on her feet just to fall down the cliff.

Panting, I awoke
Just to find a tight hold on my neck,
My Idiot sibling clung on to me as she slept.

Dreams are so confusing.
Sometimes it cuts the cord of my mind,
Sometimes its unaffected by time.

But after this incident,
I see no difference between a human and a dream
Both are compelled to change their course
affected by the reality of this realm.

© lone_solo