

I am a woman that means I have social bias privilege.
I watch men meekly cower as they speak to me.
They were doing nothing wrong they had nothing to fear.
That is a symptom of female privilege.

I am a woman that shouldn't mean I have extra privileges.
I shouldn't be listened to before my male peers.
That is why men approach women with fear.
Social bias because of female privilege.

I am woman with extra privilege.
In courts I'm less likely to be charged.
I would still be guilty if I did crime.
Justices miscarried for female privilege.

I am woman with unfair privilege.
I could lie about an innocent man.
He would be charged without fair trial.
Innocence destroyed by female privilege.

I am human I should have equal privilege.
I am woman that should be equal to man.
I am human equally capable of wrong.
I don't agree with female privilege.

Brothers, fathers and sons deserve to be equal.
Sisters, mothers and daughters are not superior.
Brothers, fathers and sons I am sorry.
Sisters, mothers and daughters abuse female privilege.

It's time we ended this gendered privilege.
© Tinka H Cain