

It Does Not Matter Again.
I lost myself trying to fit into everybody's definition of who I am meant to be.
I could not find myself, I was hurt, I was heartbroken.
I wanted Tolu to love me and Jayden to make me a member of his gang.
In my bid to please all, I lost myself.
I derailed from my path. I was no longer who God made me to be.
But I have realized my wrongdoings.
Yeah, I'm flawed. I'm imperfect.

But I'm finding myself, I'm leading my life alright.
I'm setting sail. I'm in control of the wheels driving the vehicle of my life.
Never will I ever change who I am for anyone.
Love me the way I am, then you are true.
Try to change me, I'll drive you out.
Yeah, I used to tolerate a lot of mediocrities because I did not want to lose people.
But right now, I'm setting boundaries because I do not want to lose myself.
No one's opinion matters any more.
Even if I kill myself, they will complain I did not die the right way.
I'm free from their wagging tongues.
From their judgemental looks.
I'm on a journey to find myself again.
I'm on a journey to realize my purpose and The Almighty plans for me on earth.

Guys, I'm rejuvenated!

Haiza. ,🖤✍️

Credits to the title; K H U S H I

© Haiza.