

I wish for a lot of things

I wish I was prettier

I was skinner

I wish I had more money

My greatest wish never to be my greatest wish is to have a blue-eyed angel back

wishing God didn't call him home to the heavens

I wish I didn't need him & miss him so much

I wish I had a magic wand

a wand to turn back time & have him home.

To not feel the empty hole filled with pain

Wish I had more time with you

I wish I had more pics of you & Mommy
Always with me, u remain

I close my eyes at night and I see ur face

Not a day passes when I don't think of u

Not a single minute goes by I don't miss u

most of all I miss being your mommy.

Wishing u were still here to love

Wish u were here to hug kiss and protect and love till I was old and grey

© Cassie keliie