

Love Found Me
There's times when I have questions
And there's so much doubt clouding my mind
When I stay up all night crying
And begging You to help me
It feels like You gave up on me
But then You just wrap Your arms around me
And Your love envelopes me
You whisper to my heart and bring Your promises to my memory
I can't believe I let the enemy get to me
I hold my head down in shame at what I'd done
My heart breaks from the guilt and shame
I'm so sorry Lord I understand where I went wrong
It's so hard being human sometimes
With all the struggles and pain
But You being the loving Father that You are
You say, "Daughter lift up your eyes, you are My daughter and I love you."
Nothing can even compare to the love that I see there in Your eyes
It's the love that we spend our whole life searching for and most don't even come close to finding it
But I'm glad that You found me because I was searching for Your love in all the places where it doesn't exist.
Now I don't have to search anymore because You found me and I'm not lost anymore.
© Laura Gregory