

I wanted to write about you mother,
Tell you how much it means to me that you lent me
Your ground to grow my roots,
That you cut the weeds and protected me from the poison ivy.

Tell you your words helped me bloom these beautiful yellow flowers,
Where before there used to be agonizing blue buds.
Tell you your fertilizing hugs helped me shape my branches into warm arms
And be open and caring and kind.

You taught me to be welcoming,
But never forget the strength of your tree bark,
Never forget the story in every circle you carry inside,
All the marks left on your outside.
But never let them determine your worth either.

Remember you were once barely a sprout and find peace in the parts of you that are still fragile.
You taught me sometimes we need to let go of leaves
Because they let us down,
As much as we want to be evergreen,
Fall comes for all of us.

You taught me we need to listen to the buzzing bees
And the presents of spring and love
They sprinkle around.
© ash_loner🌸