

Teenage toughs
Feeling heedlessness ..
I don't wanna cry
How I repeat these scenes
" Oh God " Why !!????
Trying to Knock out overself ..
To be the odd bold oneself..
Late night talks with strange. personality within yours..
Being hurt but still numb calls right out .
Constantly questioning your opinions and with endless doubts no one eager to answer.
Wars between the head and the. heart ..
no winners but tough competes with self one..
Do these even matter as I grow??
Or are these just empty cerebration God knows ..
Yet I feel to talk out but remain to fool myself remain dumb for somehow ..
Remaining silent feels crazy but scribbling out those words makes it breath out easy .
Agreements with conditions to be dealt.. preparing myself. I know I am doing it well.
No more botherings astern now
Flourishing myself as I forward out
Realising I can do my best as I sail.
There are no scales that can measure thou .in this case
Maturing myself as I grow along strong
compiling experiences that taught.
Now manuscripting all these tough odds ..

Hey guys ..I added few more words in this poem so plz read it