

I'm okay
I'm drowning in a sea of doubt and pain,
Beneath my smile, my soul screams in vain.
I pretend to be strong, to have it all together,
But inside, I'm crumbling under the pressure.

I tell myself I should be grateful and grateful I am,
For the blessings I have and the life I cram,
But deep down, I feel the weight of despair,
As if a storm is raging, too much to bear.

The voices in my head, they taunt and shout,
Telling me I'll never figure it all out.
I long for silence, for some inner peace,
But it feels impossible to find release.

Every night, I lie wide awake in bed,
Thoughts racing, fears gripping, filling me with dread.
I question my worth, my purpose, my place,
And wonder if I'm simply a lost case.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope,
A belief that my struggle has taught me to cope.
I reach out to others, share my deepest strife,
Discovering solace, a sense of new life.

For it's okay not to be okay every day,
To face our demons and find a better way.
We're all flawed, imperfect, fighting battles unseen,
Yet, through connection and love, we can redeem.

So, let us embrace our vulnerabilities and pain,
And support one another through sunshine and rain.
For in the darkness, we discover our might,
And find strength within, even in the darkest night.

© Tashy