

Unreal World
People say 'white';
People say 'black';
Why do the 'whites' stand aside,
When the 'blacks' are meant for attack?

Women are meant to serve,
When men prosper in life!
Why don't these concepts from folks' life take a leave?
The men who have these thoughts,Lord!Why do you keep them alive?

People say 'upper class ',
They say 'tribes':
The concept of 'this' differentiation of class,
Gives the 'innocents' evil vibes!

Rich people dominate all;
Whilst the poor live in pain;
In this 'unreal' world is that money ,which means all?
Then why do the poor,in spite of all labour do not find a shelter in rain?

The 'inequality' is 'equality';
The criticism are 'praises'!
We know these questions are infinity!
Well,There's no way other than moving forward and erasing the 'bruises'!!
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